PediaSure Recipes

Today nutrition disorders can be found at both ends of the eating spectrum. Eating too much leads to obesity, this can seriously jeopardize long term health. Eating too little or eating the wrong foods – these are the problems at the other end of the spectrum, and one of them is "Picky Eating"

“Picky eating” is a common but often underestimated phenomenon among children everywhere in the world and it can jeopardize a child’s health in both the short and long term. Picky eating also makes problems for parents and caregivers which know that good nutrition is vital for healthy growth.

Teaching children to eat nutritious foods in the right amounts can be arduous and tedious, and turn meal in to battlefields. Parents are anxious and concerned when they know their children are not eating well.

Picky Eater recipe

Here we provide you with fun filled, creative recipes with PediaSure to provide good nutrition as well as good taste and interesting presentation. This will help your child enjoy their food and improve their eating habits.

For more details and information, don’t hesitate to consult your pediatrician.


Using PediaSure to prepare recipes with heating will result in the loss of the viability of Probiotics. However, all other nutrient and caloric values will remain the same, We advise to go for heating only when its necessary for your child to try different taste.

Related Recipe


Banana Yogurt Smoothies


PediaSure Health Bars


PediaSure Cream


Peach Jellies (Gelatins)


Mashed Potatoes


Macaroni and Cheese


Chocolate Waffles and Raspberry Jam


Chocolate Muffins


Chocolate Bread Pudding


Brioche and Chocolate Cream Sandwich


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